Friday, April 30, 2010
Thing 19 - 2.0 Awards List
I checked out Web 2.0 "Awards Zeitgeist" and focused in on their recommended travel site "farecast" and that sent me to It has some interesting features like the ability to give price predictions for travel within a certain window. It can maneuver dates, locations, and length of stay to give the best price for a vacation. But the destinations for this calculation are limited. There is a blog attached and it searches multiple discounters for best prices. The second ranked site is Kayak which I have used occasionally. I still think I like Trip Advisor the best because it gives number rankings of hotels and lots of cutomer comments and evaluations. This was not mentioned on SEOmoz.
Google Docs/Online Productivity Tools Thing #18
I loaded a file on Google Docs and here is the link This will be very useful with our computer users especially since we no longer can use floppy discs. I will certainly remember to suggest this. Zoho was a little problematic. It seems to kick me out--but the introduction sounds useful.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thing #9
I have now subscribed to the MERLIN site. This is a great way to keep up with what is going on in the state and I love the links to possible training sites. This will be invaluable to me in the future. Also, all the Maryland county public library social networking sites are linked on Merlin as well. I have been investigating Technorati and the others mentioned. I think I prefer Technorati. It's easy with the search box and I was quickly able to find subjects of interest not to mention other fascinating topics on the sidebars. Check out my posting in Thing #14. Their "Top 100" is very intriguing.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thing #15
I read several posts about Library 2.0 which were fasciniating. Beginning with Wikipedia which gave the definition as "a modernized form of library service" whose focus is "on user-centered change and participation in the creation of content and community" with "the need to adopt a strategy for constant change while promoting a participatory role for the library user." They quoted an LJ article which said Library 2.0 was a "more efficient way of delivering services to achieve greater returns on financial investments." The biggest concerns around Library 2.0 are technology, privacy, and security. According to Michael Stevens, the Librarian 2.0 plans for all users, embraces Web 2.0 tools, controls technolust, makes good, yet fast decisions, is a trendspotter, and gets content. Rick Anderson says we have to row our library boat into the Web 2.0 environment and avoid three icebergs. They are the "just in case collection", reliance on user education (we need to eliminate all barriers that exist between patrons and the information they need), and the "come to us" model of library service (we need to integrate our services into our patrons daily patterns of living). Finally Dr. Wendy Schultz defines everything from Library 1.0 to Library 4.0. She defines Library 4.0 as the neo-library experience which absorbs everything in Library 1.0 through 3.0 and "will add a new mode, knowledge spa: meditation, relaxation, immersion in a luxury of ideas and thoughts." We are certainly part of a dynamic profession!
I investigated Technorati and was amazed at all the blogging that's going on out there. This is a helpful site in that it organizes a huge number of blogs. It includes things like videos, the "top 100", and a variety of subjects are posted like "lifestyle, entertainment, etc." I used the search box to find "Web 2.0" posts. There were 19 and one that was quite interesting entitled "3 X 5 Learning" discussed the effectiveness of individualized learning/instruction using Web 2.0. After spending the alloted time, I realized it's possible to spend an endless amount of time searching blogs of personal interest. This would be a good tool to recommend to some of our customers.
I have just begun to use this valuable tool. The great thing is it's portable. I can access it anywhere. I will have to begin to load my bookmarks from home and then I can use this wherever I go. I have just started with a few useful websites, but I will definitely have to add to this later.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I have created my own search tool with Rollyo and added a couple interesting topics. It's amazing all the resources available on this site. I will certainly continue to add things to this dashboard when I complete my training, but for now I try the next"thing".
Monday, April 5, 2010
Library Thing
This will be an efficient way to keep track of the books I am reading and to see what others are reading as well.
Online Image Generator
Trading Card

I've been having fun with some Flickr fun and mashups. This is the result of my experimenting with trading cards at
Flickr experience
I have downloaded some beach pictures from a previous vacation and experimented with layout options and titles for my photos. Check this out
There are many options for creating interesting things with family photos by uploading them directly from my home computer to my new Flickr account.
There are many options for creating interesting things with family photos by uploading them directly from my home computer to my new Flickr account.
Facebook is fun!
I've really enjoyed my new Facebook account. I get automatic e-mails to remind me to wish my friends "happy birthday". The best part is seeing video clips of my grandsons as they travel. The most exciting one was watching my 9 month old grandson pull up for the first time. I didn't even miss this big event thanks to Facebook.
Pointers from Lifelong Learners
There were some good tips on this site. I liked the the emphasis on putting the learner first and that we are in control of our outcome. One of my challenges in the 7 steps is to view problems as challenges. I like step 7 1/2 - "play" also be curious and read.
Bloglines Account Established
Now I set up a bloglines account and subscribed to two RSS feeds. Can't wait to check out all the info that pours in. It should be interesting. I'll be looking at Library Stuff and USA Nation - top stories. I've added more to my bloglines account and published it now. Check it out.
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